Surround Ennio Morricone and Dulce Pontes - Focus (2003) SACD-R multichannel music

Artist: Ennio Morricone and Dulce Pontes | Album: Focus | Released: 2003 | Quality: SACD-R ( DST 5.1, DST 2.0 Bitrate: 1 Bit/2.8MHz ) | Label: Universal Music, The Netherlands | Catalog #: 980 829-3 | Genre: Classical Music, Vocal, Soundtrack
Mix by Gus Skinas
SACD aurhoring engineer Roel Verberk & Colin Cigarran, Sony SACD support
02. A Rose Among Thorns (The Mission) (05:55)
03. Renascer (Moses) (03:25)
04. No Ano Que Vem (Come Maddalena) (04:37)
05. Your Love (Once Upon A Time In The West) (03:46)
06. Amália Por Amor (06:11)
07. Nosso Mar (Metti Una Sera A Cena) (04:24)
08. Antiga Palavra (04:52)
09. Luz Prodigiosa (La Luz Prodigiosa) (04:47)
10. The Ballad Of Sacco And Vanzetti (Sacco E Vanzetti) (04:42)
11. Someone You Once Knew (Per Le Antiche Scale) (03:13)
12. Voo (04:55)
13. I Girasoli (03:25)
14. House Of No Regrets (Chi Mai) (04:02)
15. Barco Abandonado (Per Le Antiche Scale) (03:21)
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